26 December 2007

Silence Treatment

Calling out, stand up, come up, My graceful present yet just silence and denial in reply Answer Me, talk to Me, I AM here still just the quietness of an empty room Talk, yell, scream, some sort of response, let Me know you still care now that hollowness of an empty open road at midnight settles in

It is quite amazing to note this, a taste of how Jesus might feel, when we don't talk to Him. How He longs to hear from us, waiting for that phone call, that spontaneous drop-in, the lunch in the park, something; we only respond with silence, or the famous 'maybe later'. How at times when people seek for conversation, to use a new/old buzzword, community, the ones that we want to be involved are the last ones that ever respond??? How upside down we are, how upside down this world is........ The ones we want to spend time with reject us, the ones that want to spend time with us we reject, but yet scripture states that God has given us a spirit of adoption into the kingdom of light. Yet in order to work things out all parties involved have no communication, refuse to talk for one reason or another; Lord how do we change this?? How gracious of a God we serve. To constantly forgive those that misrepresent His kingdom for just a simple thing as wanting to truly change.

1 comment:

MadamMim said...

I am so guilty of these things, I know this phenomenon well. I know the quiet longing of wanting just a word or a look from that one special person and the quiet heartbreak when you don't get it over and over. Is THIS how Jesus feels when I find "better things to do"? I am guilty of telling Jesus "Not now, maybe later.." yet, how can I look on Him as the lover of my soul and continue to do this when I know how much it hurts Him?

I have also turned away from people who just wanted a few words from me. Even when I know that they are lonely and desperate for any attention from anyone, still I have turned away. Sometimes I can't stand to talk to them BECAUSE OF that desperate lonliness; I feel them grasping at anything that fills their lonliness with a vice-like grip; I feel their desperate emotional neediness drain away my energy and I don't want to put myself through that. But isn't that what I do to Jesus? I run to Him all the time with the little things, the petty things, the whining and complaints; I go to Him with my fears and my tears. If He can do it for me ALL THE TIME, can't I do it for a few of His people just a little bit of the time? All it takes is grace, mercy, and true love, and I know where to get all three.

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