Peace: that which the world strives for, but never seems to have for too long at all. Is this due to our definition of peace, our nature as humans, or something else entirely? We seems to think of peace as the lack of conflict. I would challenge any person to show me life without this conflict though. We have conflict or struggle in our lives, it might look different for different people, but we all have that in common. Since we tend to dislike pain, discomfort, and change, there is this perception that peace is the lack of conflict, I would disagree. It must have to do with something else, something within people, it seems to be a select few, but this is open to all; a thing that gives people peace in the midst of this struggle.
This peace that exists in the midst of the storms of life must come from something like hope or trust. Hope in a day on the other side of the storm and trust knowing that there is a Son of Man that is there to hold on to through it all. That the achievement of being peaceful even in the most of messed up situations is a position that is sought. Now, I'm not saying that being at peace means a lack of emotion. Emotions will vary in this peace, grieving, confused, and seeking can all be co-existent with this peace that is based in trust. Trust in what though?
Trust, we are all humans with trust issues. We are all on this path of continually learning to trust more and more. Who to trust though, when so many people let us down, hurt us, use us? There is an eye to the storm, the place of rest and peace even though the storm is raging around you. This Man that can be turned did walk the earth at a point in the past. This Man is the peace that calmed a storm on an open sea, this Man is the one that saw a tax collector for who he was, and this Man is the one that saw the woman that needed a loving touch not another condemner when she was caught.
I talk of my Papa's Son.
This is the reason of the name and term Peace in the Battle. The seeking and sharing of how to have and be at peace in the battles of this life.
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