04 January 2008

Poety from the Past

Thoughts and Servitude
There I was staring at the sky
laying in the damp grass wondering why
we are moving through this life
looking for what can be our wife
searching for what can fill that hole
that seems to do nothing but flow
from those things that we flee
turn, run, fly away like a bumble bee.
Thinking about the hurts and pains
that all know inside underneath the rains
of sorrow, joy, hate, and love
and then He comes in like a dove.
The clouds flow by in wonderous shapes
pulling my mind toward the capes
of my Lord and Saviour, my Prince of Peace
how Jesus is the light and life of my niece
and how I pray that she gets a chance to see
just how wonderful He can be.
To let the whole world know that
Jesus Christ is tattooed on my heart
that my soul is in His hands
and how my life makes me a life long
servant and bonded man
whose being is dead without my
Son of Man
Kissed By My Rose
My Rose of Sharon embrace me
holds me close, comforts me, caresses me
takes me into His bosom, wipes my tears
strokes my hair, looks me in the eyes.
Kissed by my rose
I pour out my hurts on His shoulders
I pour out my pain on His feet
My tears fall into His hands
I put my ashes on His altar
and my sorrow at His house.
Kissed by my rose
What's Left of Me?
Here lies a shattered pot, knocked to the
ground from an act of desperation;
A desperation that cam from confusion and hurt
A hurt that was born from a wounded child,
a situation this kid had no control,
control is what is sought, but never really finding
Little does this child realize is that for control
to be established, it must be given
Given over to One that is the conquer,
One that holds all the keys
This kid is just a lost prince,
not knowing he is an heir to the Kingdom,
able to receive it all,
kept from this knowledge by one that is
So this kid stays in pieces,
looking to be remade, over again
This kid is tired of running around
in a wheel that goes no where.
So he gathers his pieces and
goes to the King of Mercy
to get a new

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