02 July 2009

Faith Healing or Death Certificates?


Read this article first.

There really is a lot to talk about in this, but I don't think that no matter how much God wants us to trust Him, have faith in the process of Jesus in our life, and the move of Sarayu around us; that he ever intended for the death of anyone, let alone children. I am not trying to cast a stone at this guy, I am sure that he believed he was doing God's will for his life and what Papa wanted from him. That doesn't excuse actions that bring destruction. Faith healing is great, it shows the power of the Spirit and the miracles it can do. At the same time there is a place for the wisdom of medicine in our lives. That information is just as much a miracle as the prayer that brings back the dead or heals the man of lung cancer.

I feel remorse and sorrow for the situation they must be in. 1. The crisis of faith they may be going through. Everything they knew about God, how he worked in people's lives, and what they were being taught about the bible, is now in question. On the other side, society is attacking these people as monsters and being prosecuted as criminals. How is their church responding to them? From my limited experience with the teaching that surround faith-healing only, there is a great chance that their own thoughts and the voices of people around them are betraying. Saying that the parents did not have enough faith, that they did not pray enough, that they did not fast enough. Total B.S. If anyone really is a follower of Jesus then how do we move forward in this situation in a spirit of gentleness?

I have also heard some people start to rail on these parents because, "The testimony of other christians is now damaged." When will we get our minds off of our work, how we look, or even what affects us? Would Jesus have been more concerned with how other people's choices affected him or how he could bring about healing in their life while drawing them closer to Papa? Was his identity based in other people's actions and choices or in his relationship with his own Daddy?

Is their anyway that me, us, can extend forgiveness to these people for their actions and ask them for forgiveness of us? Forgive us for the judgement of their hearts and the malice contained there in......

And birth is the greatest miracle of all. Followed closely I imagine by parenthood. :D

This one is intended to start a discussion. I may add more of mine own thoughts here in a bit, but I want everyone to openly discuss this topic and everything around it.

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