05 October 2008

Technology the answer for humanity?

Recently I started a new job in the Portland area. This was a step in the path that is getting me back into this area for the time that I will be here, but this has not been without its tests along the way. During my first week of training a couple of things happened that really caught my attention and was the cause of a thought process. First, I was listening to my co-workers talk about the graphics on blu-ray televisions and computer monitors and how realistic it looked. Second, I heard one specific co-worker, (let's call him Stephen for anonymities sake), mention how he believes that technology is the answer to save humanity. Quite a couple of things to catch attention huh?

Let's tackle the graphics issue first. I do agree it is kind of cool to see technology coming to the point were what we see looks so real that it almost could be real. How we recognize that in life, nature, and creation there is spectacular beauty and amazing sites. We want to recreate this, but the thought that was cast into my head was this, 'Why not just take a step outside and see it for yourself?' It seems like that we may have taken the real for granted for so long, in our hearts we have almost forgotten about it. There is this chase to find something 'almost' real or so real like that the wonder of the real is lost.

I think I may have just went from a discussion on graphics to something else?

So is this true just for graphics? Probably not if I just look at my life. So many times I end up chasing that which I cannot have or spend time imaging and day dreaming about things and people that are nothing close to the way it simply is. It might be kind of the same thing with God. He is the real, His kingdom is the real, His Son is the real, and yet we are trying to find ways to recreate something that was never made. In this recreation our bench mark is how close can we get it to the real; with graphics and the world and nature this is much easier. Everyone can interact with those in a highly sensual way. How can we use this reasoning on something we don't understand though? Just doesn't make sense to me.

Second, this guy saying technology is the answer to save humanity. Quite a statement. I don't quite see how he could say such a thing. Since when has anything man has created ever saved our souls from anything? It is like when man creates something all it does is boast about how good we are and that we can do anything. Wasn't there a story about the languages of the world being broken up to keep that from happening again? For the most part, when man creates something to save ourselves, that very creation becomes the idol of our destruction. Oaee! Jesus help us.

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