07 January 2009

The Wind Outside

Sometimes I swear God has the weather outside just as a reflection of what is going on inside. That may be a bit pretentious, but it really seems like He actually pays that much attention sometimes.

There are those times in life when the tension of the hard part of the work really strain a person. There are many things worth the effort I am told, but it really seems at times all that is being done is just a blowing of solid blue rock.

People, are amazing, and amazingly frustrating. What is even more so is how a person like me can for from loving people in general to not wanting to be around any at all.

How, from an emotional stand point, you can be on top of the world; then crash diving into a pool of lava. How if a person didn't have a solid anchor to hold onto, they would be tossed around by the wind and the waves.

Help me my Anchor, calm the storm inside;
if nothing else, just hold my hand
as the waves cover my face.

Once You have a hold, You don't let go;
never let me go, never let me go

Relationships are hard work, matters are the heart blind the ones that see and fumble the graceful. Matters of the heart make the wise foolish and the intelligent ignorant.

Have patience with this poor man as he stumbles along in a dark tunnel with just barely enough light to make how just how foolish and ignorant he is, but then again I have a certain Friend that seems quite fond of people like this man. Thanks Papa

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